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18 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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This is fucking beautiful. This is just what I was lookin' for. I really like this dark genre you use, it is very unique and pleasant to listen too. Sorry my review was a little late XD. My only complaint is I think the drums were abit overplayed and stole the show from the synths. But hey, your the master :D. I'm very impressed ;D.

-Reviewed By-


Waterflame responds:

haha, no problem man :D thanks for ALWAYS beeing here leaving a review :D it means more than you would think. yeah i also figured the drums kinda went a bit more than it should, but i was so happy about finally making some of those bad ass pulsating kickfucker drums. so i kinda overdid it XD

thanks for the review :D

Sweet Christmas.

Nice, this has a really goofy 8bit sound to it that I really like. The melody at :56 is really cool two. Everything about this song is perfect. You sir, are FILLED TO THE BRIM with musical talent.

-Reviewed By-


Waterflame responds:

Thank you!! :D <3


I can't describe how awesome this song is. But I will anyway! The intense violin at the beginning was reminescent of -Glorious Morning-. The DNB was in my opinion the best element of the song. The pace of the song was flawless. It really did feel like some insane race was going on. You should continue what YOU want to do, not US. Although, I must admit I am very excited for the sequel to -Trainstation Dukeout-, considering that is my favorite song by you. I <3 your music! You are teh best artist here.

-Reviewed By-


Waterflame responds:

hay again PX9 :D its so awesome that you review my stuff so frequently! Yeah the start also makes me think of glorious morning, but i wanted to keep it that way, cause you get a real suprise in the face when the whole song change key and starts to be all happy! ^-^ thanks for backing me up on the artist thing =) ofcource, im always myself when i make my music, but i hesitated on making another one of these happy speedy songs since they often get punched down. i guess pepole dont like this kind of music as much as i do lol. but whoever likes this song alot gets a star in my book for right taste in music style ;D

its so wierd seeing how almost only game soundtracks has this kind of ring to it. its kinda making me realise im on a mission here, to show pepole that music can be so many things. im so sick of media. hehe... anyways, thanks again :D and yes, keep an eye out for the sequel. its comming out same time next week ;D hf!


This song is pretty nice. I love the part at :50. This song has a unique depth to it that many songs lack to today. Everything is very cool is except i don't like it how it takes forever to pick up. But thats my opinion. Great song man!

-Reviewed By-


Waterflame responds:

Hi PX9 X3 thans for always reviewing! ^-^ and somehow always know when i submit something new ;P (well in this case old.) glad you like it! youre right.. the intro is kinda slow i guess o.O

This is sweet!

Niceness! This GRAET. The drums were really sweet. you are getting ALOT better at composing! I can't wait to see more music from you. PLEASE come out with a fast paced techno beat for MN3. See ya!

-Reviewed By-


Mr-Carrothead responds:

Awesome, glad ya think so too

I AM gonna make some fast paced techno stuff for anyone to use, and i dunno whether anything I make will get into MN3 seeing as u guys have already got a song for it.


This is a great song. The gritty percussion sounds really nice. This song reminds me of some of Helix 6's stuff. You familiar with his work? If not, check it out. The violin was pretty cool too. I wish you put that in most of the song. Lol, I'm running out of things to say but my review feels lame compared to Karco. My favorite part was the drums(?) at 3:36. Great Job!

-Another Review By-


Waterflame responds:

thank you! :D yes ofcource i know helix, but i wouldt place this in the same category really. i still see what you mean tho :) i figured i wouldnt overdo the violin since i diddnt really have anything else but that melody to use it with ;D thank you for the review :D and dont worry about the length! if its too long i will only end up feeling i have to give a similar response ;P


I have never heard anything quite like that, which is why I enjoy it. Needs improvement though. The beginning really caught my ear (lol), but i was kinda bored with it for the rest of the song. Still good work though.

-Reviewed By-


Dj-UnKnOwN responds:

yeah it did repeat a bit, but hey, this wasnt suposed to be a song originally and i never expected to get top weekly. But yes i agree that it doesnt get a little boring after a little while, and this is a song to relax too..
Thanks a lot for the review


Nice song. That's a really good rock song. I just hate the bitrate. Please submit a shorter version with a higher bitrate. Thanks.


Goatchrist responds:

There is no shorter version and there won't be any ;)

Still glad you enjoyed it, though. Thanks!


Good song Waterflame. Although it took a while to pick up, i still liked the entry. good job!


Waterflame responds:

thanks! :D yeah its kinda slow in the begining.

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